Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SALE on e-book, Gratitude's Transcending Power

As I've studied gratitude, I've been amazed at just how powerful it can be as a tool for improving our lives and relationships.  In fact, I've been so impressed by gratitude's potential to enrich life, that I've developed a passion for letting others know how important this attribute is. 

As a full time caregiver to my husband, who has Parkinson's disease, I've come to know that the daily exercise of gratitude can make the difference in whether I have a negative, defeated attitude, or a happy, positive outlook in spite of the challenges my husband and I face.  Based on examples I've seen throughout my life, and information I've gained through my research, I've learn strategies for quickly lifting myself out of the slide into self pity, and focusing on all I have to be grateful for--which is a lot!   

Scientific studies have proven that gratitude can be a valuable method for enhancing health and happiness.  My own journey in life has convinced me that this is true.  The practice of gratitude can change our hearts and our outlook for the better, no matter what our circumstances.  Because I believe this so strongly, I write this blog, and I've written and updated my book.  This information is just too important, and too good to brush aside, thinking that everyone knows how important gratitude is, or that everyone understands the impact it can have on their life.

I'm excited to let my readers know that my distributor, Smithcreek Distribution, has  approved a special sale on my e-book, Gratitude's Transcending Power, at just $3.99.  As you might have noticed in the advertisement in the side bar, this version of the book is available at Smashwords.com and at the Amazon Kindle Store.   Smashwords makes the book available in a number of downloadable e-book formats.  So, if you don't have a Kindle, you can still download it to whatever reader you may have. Go to this link:   https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/373045

Believing that gratitude is an attribute worthy of developing and incorporating more fully into our lives, I am especially happy that we are running this sale.  I think it is a wonderful opportunity, at this low price, for everyone to be able to explore a variety of life changing ways to practice gratitude.  One of the things I've heard repeatedly by those who read the first edition of the book is, "I never realized there were so many benefits to the practice of gratitude, and the improvements it could make in my life!"

I know that as you thoughtfully and routinely employ this attribute, you will come to understand the value of Gratitude's Transcending Power, and it will make a significant difference in your life,too!

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