We're all blessed in a lot of different ways. Some of our blessings seem so commonplace that we may regard them more as "rights" than the godsend they are. A place to live, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, these are everyday necessities, and most of us probably don't think a whole lot about them. Most of us. Some people, however, really can't get these basic requirements out of their minds because they're needs that are left chronically unfulfilled.
As I promised in my last entry, today I'm going to address one of those needs--hunger. There are people who face a lack of food every day. Due to unemployment or underemployment they struggle to buy just a few groceries.
Although, as individuals, we can't address every deficiency in the world, hunger is one thing that most of us can do something about. There are so many people in our nation--the greatest nation on earth--who will go to bed tonight hardly able to sleep because of the discomfort of an empty stomach. There are parents worried sick about how to feed their children. There are children worried about the stress their parents are under, AND there are those of us who have a little extra we could share.
I recently saw a news story about the central food bank in our state. From there other food banks in many counties receive supplies for needy families. Because of the poor economy, the demand for assistance is far greater than it would normally be at this time of year. However, the shelves at the central food bank are nearly empty.
I've also been watching a series on ABC News called Hunger In America. Their finding: 1 in 6 Americans don't have access to enough food. That's millions of people! But many of us can do a little, with many small efforts adding up to a considerable amount of help for those who are struggling.
Is there something in our pantry that we could contribute? Almost all communities have drop off points for food donations. Community centers, food banks, supermarkets and other locations are waiting and anxious to receive our offerings. At these sites we can give a gift that is large or small--whatever we can afford. ABC News has a website with information for finding the location of food pantries in every state. They also make it easy to give a monetary donation. For more information go to the Internet and search: Hunger in America: How to Help-ABC News.Not everyone can give. I understand
A Local Food Bank |
So, whether we give a tangible gift of food, or give ourselves over to prayer, or both, what gratitude should fill our hearts that we have something to give. What a great feeling to be able to share a little from our abundance of food and faith to relieve someone's hunger--maybe even their fear--and help them to sleep more soundly tonight.