My nephew sent me a quotation that I felt would be fun and inspiring to share:
"Life is not about the shoes you fill, it's about the lives that you change through the footsteps you take." Kelly K. Owens
At times each of us will wonder if anything we do really makes a difference. We'll ask ourselves if anything we've said or done has given real encouragement, changed a life, relieved a heartache, lifted someone's spirit and helped them along. I've found, through the feedback I've received in my life, that it's not the big things I've done that seem to have had an impact. It's the little things. As Kelly Owens quotation indicates, the individual footsteps. And footsteps, of necessity, are small. Our legs, after all, are only so long--and some of us have shorter legs than others. However, be they the legs of a diplomat or a domestic, they still carry us along, getting us where we need to go--or into the muck of discouragement.
I could say, "I'm only a mother," or "I'm only a wife, or a sister, or a daughter." The important thing is not who I am in relationship to someone else, or even what I do to earn my daily bread. The important thing is the how of it. How do I go about my roles in life? I may not have a lot to say about the who of it. My birth determined that I would be a daughter and a sister. However, the kind of daughter I am, the kind of sister I choose to be is determined by me. True also the kind of wife, mother, worker and friend. What small steps am I taking, each day, to insure that those actions are an influence for good, taking me where I want to go?
Dr. Wayne Dyer has said, "Concentrate on your sphere of influence, not your sphere of concern." As I've pondered and tried to live his wise counsel, I've noticed a couple of important changes have occurred in my life:
I tend to leave my concerns to God. I do this as I acknowledge that some things are just beyond my ability to fix. I ask Him for guidance in my life, that He will lead me to answers or to acceptance of what, in His wisdom, is not supposed to be changed, at least not yet. Maybe there is something I or someone else needs to learn.
I also find that I simply go about each day trying to do the unspectacular things that will make the world a little brighter place. As I've greeted life with a more grateful spirit, and a more positive disposition, I know I've been a happier person. I believe that others around me have also been happier and more relaxed. They've also expressed gratitude.
One of my great delights has been to write this blog. I have had nearly 1200 visits to date, and many very kind comments concerning the blog's content. Knowing that I have helped to brighten someone's day, shared a thought that changed someone's perspective, reminded someone of a blessing, has been such a joy for me. It has truly increased my happiness. As I have taken the small footsteps to concentrate on this little sphere of influence, I have been blessed.
So it can be for each of us. The footsteps we take can be as simple as bringing a meal to someone recovering from an illness; sending a card; expressing our appreciation for a comment made in a meeting; offering a ride to someone who is going our way; patiently waiting on a loved one; leaving a note of kindness and gratitude on someone's pillow; doing the job that no one else wants to do. There are a thousand ways to direct our footsteps in a path that will broaden our sphere of influence and encourage others to greater happiness and gratitude.
So, my encouragement is, don't be so concerned about your concerns--leave them to God, trusting He will give you guidance or send the help you need. Simply be your best self, relax a little more with life. Smile a little more with friends. Trust a little more in God. Know that the good you give out will not only be a positive influence in the lives of others, it will also make your life more happy and fulfilled.
TODAY'S AWESOME BLESSING: My Grandchildren Were Over For Lunch Yesterday. It Was Fun to Play Peek-a-Boo With My Grandson And Remember When My Own Children Were That Small. What a Wonderful Season of Life That Was, And What a Wonderful Season of Life This Is. And Who Can Count a Grandma's Influence? There Are Simply No Times in Our Lives When We Cannot Be a Blessing to Our Family and Friends!