As the mom of 2 active duty servicemen, one retired, and a forth who is engaged in military instruction, I want to add my voice to the many who, this day, are expressing thanks for those who have given, or are giving, their lives in the service of our nation.
Thank you for bravely defending and preserving our freedoms so that we can enjoy our very high quality of life. Thank you for allowing us to rest easy at night, while you guard the perimeter and put your life in harm's way. Thank you for leaving home and family so that my family can have a home. Thank you to your spouse, your children, and all your loved ones who worry and wait until you can be with them again.
The following were posted on my Facebook account--each a simple, yet profound reminder of the gratitude we wish to express to our Valiant Hero's our military men and women who serve or have served in our armed forces. THANK YOU!!
As you consider the service personnel you know, remember:
"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." -Jose Narosky