I must admit, I'm as thrilled as anyone by the wonderful carols, the smell of pine, and the thoughtful expressions of love that I receive. However, I hope my heart will rejoice, many times over, in the greatest gift any of us could ever receive: the gift of the life, example, and ultimately the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
As I think of Him, however, I also think of how far short of His example I fall. So, in considering the best gift I could give this holiday season, my heart must turn to thoughts of being more kind, less critical, less thoughtless in my speech, and more Christ-like in my daily conduct.
In my daughter's home there is a noteworthy tradition. The children begin the month of December with a small empty cradle. As they do loving deeds and care for others they are allowed to put pieces of straw into the cradle. The object is to have the cradle filled with straw by Christmas Eve so that the Christ child can be placed within its warm, snug confines. Each of her three older children delight in thinking of ways to show their love and earn pieces of straw. Each is honing his or her ability to serve others and to act in Christ-like ways. What a delightful and meaningful tradition--a tradition from my son-in-law's family, not mine, though I wish it had been! But I am most pleased that it has been introduced to my grandchildren, and is being carried on to bless their lives with the true spirit of Christmas, which is, of course, the Spirit of Christ. What a wonderful way to express appreciation to the Savior for His life, and to carry on His example of loving service.

TODAY'S AWESOME BLESSING: I spent the weekend feeling really miserable with body aches and a headache. On Monday my husband and I had to go out in the late afternoon to take care of some appointments. When we returned there was a box on the back steps. On top was written, in the hand of a child, "To a sick grandma. Love you." Inside were notes from my grandchildren, my daughter and her husband. When I called to express thanks, my daughter made certain I knew this was the result of her oldest son's thoughtfulness. He had instigated the idea of writing the notes and had delivered them himself. Was this just to earn a little straw? Knowing this sweet young man, I doubt it. How fortunate I felt to be the recipient of so much love!!